
Non-Ongoing Resourcing

Strategic solutions with non-ongoing resourcing

Calleo's approach to non-ongoing people solutions is all about understanding the specific, time-bound needs of both our clients and candidates. We believe in creating strategic staffing solutions that fit like a glove. Our process begins with a deep dive into the project's requirements and the unique culture of the organisation. This understanding guides us in searching for and selecting professionals who not only have the right skill set but also the right mindset to thrive in a non-ongoing role. We focus on building a bridge between our clients' immediate needs and our candidates' career goals. Our team ensures that every staffing solution is not just a temporary fix but a step towards long-term success for both parties.

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News & insights

Explore our blog for the latest trends, advice, and stories in fixed-term resourcing. It's a go-to source for insights into this dynamic and vital aspect of staffing.

by Shazamme System User 30 May, 2024
Defence appoints Calleo to the Information Communication Technology Provider Arrangement (ICTPA)
Insights Into Market Conditions That Will Shape 2024
by Stacey Fernandes 14 Feb, 2024
Last year was unpredictable and inconsistent in many ways. The boom times of post-Covid fell away leaving the market somewhat brittle and sluggish.
Resume Writing Tips
by Stacey Fernandes 01 Jun, 2023
Writing a resume is one of the most important parts of the job application process. It’s the first chance you get to make an impression on a potential employer,
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