
Contract Resourcing

Flexible, efficient contract hiring solutions

Calleo's contract resourcing is about more than just filling roles. We start with understanding the specifics of each project and what makes our clients tick. We know our candidates personally, and treat them as such, ensuring a fit that's right in skills and culture. Our network is broad yet selective, leading us to professionals who align perfectly with your project's needs and values. They undergo a comprehensive screening, where we explore their competencies and career aspirations, ensuring a perfect match for your team. Our involvement doesn't end at placement. We treat our contractors like family, providing continuous support throughout their contract. This approach guarantees satisfaction on both ends, reflecting our commitment to creating the best outcomes for everyone involved. At Calleo, it's all about building meaningful, lasting connections.

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News & insights

Gain insights and updates on contract hiring trends, tips, and success stories. Our blog is a resource for you to stay informed and inspired!

by Shazamme System User 30 May, 2024
Defence appoints Calleo to the Information Communication Technology Provider Arrangement (ICTPA)
Insights Into Market Conditions That Will Shape 2024
by Stacey Fernandes 14 Feb, 2024
Last year was unpredictable and inconsistent in many ways. The boom times of post-Covid fell away leaving the market somewhat brittle and sluggish.
Resume Writing Tips
by Stacey Fernandes 01 Jun, 2023
Writing a resume is one of the most important parts of the job application process. It’s the first chance you get to make an impression on a potential employer,
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